Message in a Bottle


Learn about the importance of the Press Office for the communication of the hotel sector

Publicado em: 02.06.2021

If you think that a digital presence on websites and social networks is enough, read this article and learn about one of the best allies of communication in the hospitality industry: press relations.


Data from Google Trips reveals that today more than 80% of travelers worldwide use online platforms to plan a trip and book their stays.

Getting people to choose a particular hotel from an endless array of possibilities is no easy task. For this reason, it is essential that, in a highly digitalized world and where supply abounds, hotel companies adapt to the current context through well-defined communication strategies.

Communicating in hospitality is communicating an industry that is constantly changing. It is, at the same time, communicating to a heterogeneous audience, made up of individuals with different cultures and interests. More than that, it is to reach a public with increasingly more purchasing information, especially through digital platforms.

The truth is that hotels don’t sell a product per se, but experiences. Thus, fulfilling their main purpose of attracting visitors to the platforms where they are present and increasing their sales is a challenge that must be faced in a strategic and articulated manner.

With the growing importance of the tourism sector to a country’s economy, hospitality companies have started to invest more and more in outreach channels, especially digital ones. But their online presence is not enough. Thus, in this process, the press office assumes a key role, defining and putting into practice communication strategies, both in offline platforms and with the media.

Working side-by-side with a team of communication professionals can make all the difference in the way a hotel group positions itself in the market. Identifying the issues to be communicated to the main targets and taking advantage of potential communication opportunities are some of the tasks outlined by a communication professional or agency, but those who think that the results of a press office are limited to the publication of articles in the media are wrong.

As media advisory is one of the main communication tools that contributes to the notoriety and credibility of any business, this allows the hotel industry to reach new and important horizons. Learn about the main advantages of press advisory services for the hotel industry:


  • Consolidate and give credibility to your brand in the market and strategic publics
  • Increase the number of customers and build loyalty among current ones
  • Achieve a reference positioning in your business segment
  • Create relevant partnerships
  • Reach new business opportunities
  • Lower investment costs in advertising.


A global and effective communication strategy will always combine digital marketing and press relations, and companies that do not have a well-defined plan will not be able to achieve their main objectives: attract visits to the platforms where they are present, position themselves as references in the market, and increase sales, falling one step behind their competitors.

Are you interested in knowing how press relations can consolidate your business or do you have any questions? Contact us here!