Message in a Bottle


Digital Influencers? In Mib You Trust!

Publicado em: 29.07.2021

In our parents’ time Vasco Granja and Engineer Sousa Veloso would certainly have been excellent influencers in their respective areas of expertise: Czech cartoons and Agricultural Engineering.

Without a doubt, they fulfilled more than the minimum attributes that today characterize digital influencers: they were a reference for their followers, an indisputable authority on the subject, empathetic and reliable. They had what is called charisma, and with some, they could have made use of it, but nobody cared about such things, and cell phones or the Internet was something from the realm of science fiction.

In 1997, Twitter was the name of a carousel at the Feira Popular in Lisbon and Instagram was a Pisang Ambon-based cocktail for the daring.

The technological evolution brought the opinion makers of the 80’s and the use and abuse of social networks, the influencers boom. These people who by accident – often, at first, just want to show a personal taste – have become the new coqueluche of Communication Agencies.

The way a Communication Department, together with the Digital Marketing Office, thinks and chooses influencers for each advertising campaign is, besides being interesting, a case study.  It will be these people who, in some cases, will lead real social and cultural movements, due to the stratospheric impact that a like or a tweet will have on the choices of people willing to identify with something that, many times, they don’t even know they like or want. The influencer works when, almost without wanting to, he generates around a product what, excuse the jargon, is called Positive Brand Awareness.

Now that we find ourselves tired of traditional forms of advertising, we work to try to understand who the best Influencers are for each client, never forgetting that it is from people and for people that we communicate.

There is no point in betraying anyone’s trust and summoning the Dalai Lama to talk about the beauty of a road trip around the Great Wall of China. Even for a good price.

Are you interested in bringing more value to your brand through Digital Influencers? Get in touch with us!