Message in a Bottle


Communicate tourism brands: ready, set, go!

Publicado em: 02.11.2022


The first step to gaining your customers’ trust is to focus your message on the premise that your accommodation is a safe space and that your priority is your customers’ well-being.

Transparency in communication and customizing content that portrays the concerns of each target audience is also a must. Understanding preferences, behaviors, most used channels, and industry statistics is key to developing a cohesive strategy.

Another way to gain consumer trust is to focus your attention on the consumer journey. Most customers say that the digital experience is as important as the brand’s services and products, so don’t neglect the comments made on your social networks, for example. Always try to respond to your guests. This nurtures a presence and interaction with your community that will appeal to future travelers.

Finally, ensure that your values and commitments are present in your communications. Sustainability, social representation, boosting the local economy are some of the themes most sought after by consumers when choosing a brand.


The ‘new normal’ brings a new range of opportunities, but there are concepts that never go out of fashion. Let’s call them the bê-à-bá of communication.

To define a communication strategy it is fundamental to start by defining your target audiences. Be as specific as possible so that the communication is adapted and effective. The platforms and tone you use will depend on this first step.

Next, develop coherent and measurable objectives for your communication actions. What do you hope to achieve with your content? Awareness? Engagement? Sales? Every business has its own purposes. Carefully evaluate what yours are.

Your brand and industry statistics are also a must-have. The numbers of interactions, reach, performance of your social media posts, the reports of organizations in the area and the searches made by consumers in search engines provide key data to better manage your business.

Other types of basic information that should be in your communications, if relevant, are the location of your business, a link to your website, hours of operation, and contact details.

Travelers visit multiple channels to gather as much information about their destination as possible, and they often prefer to make reservations through these platforms. Remember: one-way communication is a thing of the past.

Bet on new segments. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone a bit. Challenges like seasonality can be easily overcome with the right strategy.

In the previous article we mentioned the new trend in travel provided by the trivialization of telecommuting. As a way to cut costs, some companies are exchanging business travel for video calls where each of the participants is thousands of miles away.

If your company specializes in this type of service, make sure you offer innovative experiences that bring value to employees. Prioritize an emotional connection through segment-relevant content. For example, point out that building emotional relationships through a screen is more difficult than in face-to-face meetings. Be creative in positioning your brand to stand out from the competition.

Finally, make sure your platforms are visually appealing. As the saying goes, the eyes also eat. Ensure that your image is appropriate for your audience, that your channels are current, intuitive, and bet on an SEO strategy with relevant keywords for your business.

Curious to find out more about communication strategies in the tourism sector, contact us here!